
1. Yanhua Liu. Toxicity of TPhP on the gills and intestines of zebrafish from the perspectives of histopathology, oxidative stress and immune response. Science of the Total Environment. 908 (2024) 168212.

2. Yanhua Liu. Carbon quantum dot-induced developmental toxicity in Daphnia magna involves disturbance of symbiotic microorganisms. Science of the Total Environment. 904 (2023) 166825.

3. Yanhua Liu. Occurrence, Migration, and Transformation of Black Carbon in Environmental Matrix and Its Influence on the Environmental Fate of Coexisting Pollutants: A Review. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2611 (2023) 15.

4. Yanhua Liu. Developmental toxicity in Daphnia magna induced by environmentally relevant concentrations of carbon black: From the perspective of metabolomics and symbiotic bacteria composition. Chemosphere. 340 (2023) 139889.

5. Yanhua Liu. Trophic transfer and environmental safety of carbon dots from microalgae to Daphnia. Science of the Total Environment. 844 (2022) 157201.

6. Yanhua Liu. Synchronous complete COD reduction for persistent chemical-industrial organic wastewater using the integrated treatment system. Chemical Engineering Journal 430 (2022) 133136.

7.Yanhua Liu. Influence of Tubificidae Limnodrilus and electron acceptors on the environmental fate of BDE-47 in sediments by (14)C-labelling. Environmental Pollution. 288(2021): 117737.

8. Yanhua Liu. The risk and impact of organophosphate esters on the development of female-specific cancers: Comparative analysis of patients with benign and malignant tumors. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 404 (2021) 124020.

9. Yanhua Liu. Evaluating the application of antibiotic treatment using algae-algae/ activated sludge system. Chemosphere. 282 (2021) 130966.

10. Yanhua Liu. The bioaccumulation, elimination, and trophic transfer of BDE-47 in the aquatic food chain of Chlorella pyrenoidosa-Daphnia magna. Environmental Pollution. 258 (2020) 113720.


刘艳华,理学博士,副研究员,硕士研究生导师。主持国家自然科学基金项目、江苏省生态环境科研课题、江苏省环境监测厅科研项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助等多项科研项目;为中国化学学会会员、江苏省诱变剂学会青年委员、南京药学会会员;至今以第一或通讯作者在Journal of Hazardous MaterialsScience of the Total EnvironmentEnvironmental Pollution等环境科学和工程领域杂志发表SCI论文二十多篇。






1. 分散态炭黑对持久性有机污染物迁移转化及生物有效性影响的过程机制研究——以BDE-47为例,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2024.01-2026.12,主持,在研;

2. 合成大麻素5F-ADB在人肝微粒体和斑马鱼系统中生物转化途径推断及代谢标志物筛选,刑事检验四川省高校重点实验室开放课题,2023.7-2025.7,主持,在研;

3. C-14示踪研究典型双酚类环境激素在淡水食物链中的传递,国家博士后基金面上基金一等资助,2018.10-2020.12,主持,结题;

4. 长江江苏段水体中抗生素污染评估及控制体系研究与示范,江苏省生态环境厅科研课题,2020.12-2022.11,子课题负责人,结题;

5. 镇江市典型区域农业面源有毒化学品污染特征及污染现状研究,江苏省环境监测科研基金,2021.08-2022.07,子课题负责人,结题;

6. 典型内分泌干扰物暴露诱发人体甲状腺疾病的差异机制研究,中央高校科研基金,2022.01-2023.12,主持,结题。


1. Yanhua Liu. Toxicity of TPhP on the gills and intestines of zebrafish from the perspectives of histopathology, oxidative stress and immune response. Science of the Total Environment. 908 (2024) 168212.

2. Yanhua Liu. Carbon quantum dot-induced developmental toxicity in Daphnia magna involves disturbance of symbiotic microorganisms. Science of the Total Environment. 904 (2023) 166825.

3. Yanhua Liu. Occurrence, Migration, and Transformation of Black Carbon in Environmental Matrix and Its Influence on the Environmental Fate of Coexisting Pollutants: A Review. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2611 (2023) 15.

4. Yanhua Liu. Developmental toxicity in Daphnia magna induced by environmentally relevant concentrations of carbon black: From the perspective of metabolomics and symbiotic bacteria composition. Chemosphere. 340 (2023) 139889.

5. Yanhua Liu. Trophic transfer and environmental safety of carbon dots from microalgae to Daphnia. Science of the Total Environment. 844 (2022) 157201.

6. Yanhua Liu. Synchronous complete COD reduction for persistent chemical-industrial organic wastewater using the integrated treatment system. Chemical Engineering Journal 430 (2022) 133136.

7.Yanhua Liu. Influence of Tubificidae Limnodrilus and electron acceptors on the environmental fate of BDE-47 in sediments by (14)C-labelling. Environmental Pollution. 288(2021): 117737.

8. Yanhua Liu. The risk and impact of organophosphate esters on the development of female-specific cancers: Comparative analysis of patients with benign and malignant tumors. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 404 (2021) 124020.

9. Yanhua Liu. Evaluating the application of antibiotic treatment using algae-algae/ activated sludge system. Chemosphere. 282 (2021) 130966.

10. Yanhua Liu. The bioaccumulation, elimination, and trophic transfer of BDE-47 in the aquatic food chain of Chlorella pyrenoidosa-Daphnia magna. Environmental Pollution. 258 (2020) 113720.